It’s almost October & no post since July…not gonna’ apologize. It’s just been that crazy getting ready for markets, teaching, kits, company, kids…ya’ know – life! So, good to ‘see’ you again – I’ve got some important info!
A loooong time ago (which is like yesterday in magazine publishing terms) – I was approached to put a design in Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue. If you follow me at all, you know I get inspiration from all kinds of places & often it’s the finishing aspect that starts the process.
Enter – that tray!
I was at Hobby Lobby trolling up & down the unpainted wood objects aisle (I don’t now what it’s really called, but that’s where you’ll find me.)
This tray was cool. This tray was inexpensive. This tray came in various sizes. This tray could easily be painted, and sanded, and stained.
Nobody said, this tray would be DISCONTINUED!
Calls, emails, posts, instant messages – thanks for the supportive words (& I’ve developed a thicker skin for the not-quite-so-supportive words). At least I knew you really liked the design & wanted to stitch it! Woo Hoo!
So options:
Back to Hobby Lobby I went to stamp my not quite so little foot & ask about the secret cache in the warehouse. Being told there was no secret cache & indeed they could not help me, I went back to the unpainted wood objects aisle (it’s like my 2nd home).
I found these:
That could look like this:
Of course, they need to be painted, and sanded, and stained.
The number for the rectangle tray is 130559S & the octagonal plaque is 709139.
As an option for the rectangular frame, you could sew fabric to the sides & corners to help it fit to the shape (personally, I think it would look better once the tray was painted).
Here’s a shot with the idea of fabric attached.
Some more options – flat finish the piece as you would to fit the tray, but make a wall hanging. Here I’ve shown it with rick rack trim & ribbon hanger. (Check out my “Blissfully Unaware” design – that’s I how I finished this piece)
Enter this awesome company I’ve been working with lately: Retromantic Fripperies. They make those cool Thread Holder cards in all sorts of fancy designs. They’ve been a huge help with the [square.ology] line of designs. I’m pretty sure they are the MacGyver of woodworking.
I sent them a plea, a photo & a few measurements.
Ta Daa! (& no painting, sanding & staining!)
The big question – would it fit? I assumed I would have to restretch my piece, but after I removed it from the original tray with a spatula, it went in like like butta’! Molly & Kath – you outdid yourselves!
The Retromantic tray is a little more shallow, but the tongue in groove construction speaks to the quality of this piece. ( Ask your shopowner to order it for you. I believe the tray will retail for $38ish – still way less expensive than custom framing!
I don’t know an item number & I don’t think it’s on the website yet (it’s that new!) – but I do know you could say Octagonal Tray & they would know what you were talking about!
Well, there you go! (thrilled to be crossing this off ‘the list’)
On to the next chart question: Gather a Harvest. I had a few questions about a pattern shape for the acorn cap. I will be receiving my model back from it’s current Trunk Show tomorrow & will make & post a pattern.
Have a great day – I’m off to Hobby Lobby…you know where to find me.
Enjoy the Stitch,
Laura says
I LOVE this post and the idea about the tray. You have given me a great idea to try out.
woolwoman says
thanks for getting Retro— to make a tray that will work and thank you for posting the outlines for the acorn cap. Still in time for Fall use – YGG – you're the best ! mel
Robin says
Wow on Retro and phooey on Hobby Lobby! Look forward to the outline for the acorn cap.
Robin in Virginia
Marilyn says
That's usually the way it goes, huh?
I've looked at 2 HL's here, and no trays.
Thanks for the info, I like the hanging option.
Can't wait to see what you bring back from HL. 🙂
Christine says
Just want to tell you that your design was my favorite in this year's Halloween Issue!
Stitchinowl says
Like Christine, this pattern was my absolute favorite in the Halloween issue. I like the idea of the rectangle tray and using fabric for the corners. Thanks for going to the trouble of scoping out some alternative finishing methods.
Happy Stitching,
Maggee says
Very inspiring finishing ideas, for all types of projects! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
tangerinedream73 says
Purchased the Retromantic tray, so sweet! Looks so dainty. I also bought the fabric from Stephanie so I'm all set. I agree that this was the best design in thie 2015 issue. I adore your designs!