So many kids around the country head back to school tomorrow, but here in the Midwest, in homage to harvest season, our local kids have been back for several weeks now. The big yellow busses have been dieseling their way through the neighborhood and when the wind blows the right way, I hear the horn section of the marching band at early morning practice (retired band mom here). Leaves are even starting to turn.
I know it has to come and I know what the Farmer’s Almanac is saying about this coming winter, but this Fall is even more bittersweet as our Pastor for nearly 17 years is moving on to his next call. All 4 of us have gotten to know him over the years as my husband served on Council, we have both taught Sunday School & Confirmation, & the kids studied through confirmation classes.
In 2011, I read his letter in our monthly newsletter & was so taken with something he wrote, that I wrote it down. I even e-mailed it to myself so that I would not lose it! Long story short, with his permission, I used his words to create the Everyday Sampler. (New Release at this past St. Charles market)
The large sampler created itself one Saturday morning. I had been hemming & hawing about how to start it, and as my husband left for work, I sat down at the computer to put on the screen what I had drawn in my notepad. Amazingly, by the time he came home, I had the basic framework & details started to fly.
The idea for the smaller banner sampler was purely selfish. I knew I wanted to stitch the sampler, but time would not permit…same sentiment, same rich colors.
Here is Pastor Al with my youngest on his confirmation. Yes, I’m being one of “those” mom’s putting this pic out there. Our family wishes him well as he moves on to the next chapter of his life & call.
A quick side note: I had the funniest thing happen not too long ago on FB. I reconnected with a friend I had worked with over 23 years ago. It was a PT job for me at our LNS until I could find my “real” job. After I left, we saw each other once or twice. Now, many states away, we have once again become “friends” and are realizing how both of us have continued very much in the industry in which we first met. Funny how this is my “real” job now.
It’s a little early for #TBT but I came across this photo on FB – days back in the college years!
This was during my freshman year & my future husband is in that picture somewhere!
Enjoy your Labor Day & thanks to all of those that Labor today.
Enjoy the Stitch!
The sampler is beautiful, and even more meaningful with "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey would say. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful Sampler.
Beautiful charts!
Beautiful Cathy! Sad to hear your Pastor Al is moving on. I just had to look, and I found Bill! Sort of like "where's waldo!!!" lol!